
Some of you may know..others may not.. our little Hope Everhart was born October 25th 2010 at 8:32 am at Obici hospital in suffolk Va. She was 7 lbs 11 oz 19 inches long. Because she was breeched I had her by c-section. All went well.. and a week has passed and no emergency surgery this time PHEWW! (I had a emergency apendectomy a week after addy was born!) Little "Hopes" is doing well and nursing like a champ. Her sisters LOVE her to pieces and want to hold her all the time! A more interesting story of the birth... The nursery had taken Hope to do her hearing screening before we left the hospital. I took that time to gather my things and prepare to go home. The nurse knocked on the door and wheeled in the baby... I noticed she wasnt wrapped in the blanket i sent her in... and she had a ton of dark hair.... it was very soon clear.. this wasn't my baby! Infact she may have been..Asian! I let the nurse go on and on about how cute she was... then I said "shes very beautiful but... uhh thats not my baby!" The poor nurse looked at me like PLEASE tell me you're being a smart ass! She looked down at her paper and realized she had the wrong room! I am sure that was the most embarassing day in this womans entire career! Luckily moments later a different nurse came in with the REAL Hope and she was safe with us!!
Congratulations …thats a funny story about the nurse lol. Your family is gorgeous.