I don't post much... Which I would love to change... But the honest truth being I HATE THE LOOK OF MY BLOG! Savvy with a camera.. idiot with a blog! Truth is I'm a busy mom of 3 little girls Tatem 6- Addalyne (Addy) 4- and Hope (Hopes) 15 months. I also commute to a full time job an hour away from home... so my life is a three ring circus! Typically I'm answering photo business calls from my car with 2 of the 3 kids screaming, laughing or both.. phrases like "Let me check here in my office" being answered by my 6 year old "but mom your car isn't your office" Every time my phone rings my 15 month old immediately puts her chubby finger to her mouth and says shhh shhh shhhh! So many people think a photographers life is way more glorious then it actually is.. and really I'm just like every other mom... I clean cheerios and sand out of the back of my explorer,I take pictures with my phone*GASP* sometimes I'm late because Addy wants precisely 30 kisses goodbye and only this will curb an irrational temper tantrum. I work some nights until 2 am after the house is still and silent to make sure I get someones pictures edited in time... I'm just a mom with a camera! Albeit a really expensive camera..but I ask you to join me here at my blog and share life experiences and just plain old MOM stories!
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